David on American Sunrise
I saw myself run over my child in a dream. 3 days later it happened.
Many years before the event I was in another dimension for 3 days!
Every year, over 350,000 people experience cardiac arrest outside of a hospital, with few surviving. Among those resuscitated, many have no memory, but recent studies suggest some recall vague sensations or dreamlike awareness. Throughout history, thousands have reported out-of-body (OBEs) and near-death experiences (NDEs), often featuring visions or warnings.
While most of these visions remain unfulfilled, I am one of the few whose vision did come true! I am a true Dimensionnaut...
Unlock the secrets of the universe—are you ready to journey beyond?
David Masters soul left his body for 3 days at the age of 13. He watched from above tethered like a helium balloon as his body went about daily life... and discovered that he, the real David was not flesh and blood but an observer - a spirit.
After a lifetime of extraordinary visions and metaphysical experience, 30 years later David awoke in tears from a horrifying dream in which he saw the car he was driving run over and kill his 5-year-old son.
Three days later, what he was shown in the dream actually happened. But he was forewarned... and knew what to do to stop an unthinkable tragedy because he had acknowledged the dream as if it were real.
He was shown a future event and given the power to change it! Not once but several times...The area of precognitive vision is little explored. David believes he was immersed in the near future to prevent a death that he would have been responsible for. The cosmos showed him for two reasons: so that his son would live a full life and so that he would not become so despondent and depressed with self-judgment and guilt that he might be in danger of taking his own life.
Today as a metaphysical Thought Leader and favorite dream guest on Coast to Coast AM with George Noory and a regular on numerous shows including John B Wells Caravan to Midnight, Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis, the Sean Hannity Show many others, David is a powerful and fascinating guest. Recently featured on Crossing Over NDE he related his amazing story and much more.
VIDEO: Man Received Warnings about His Future!
Recently featured on Crossing Over NDE:
0:29: Profound out-of-body experience leads to the realization of existence beyond physical form. 4:26: Divine warnings and angelic presence guide man's path 9:46: Profound intuition saves a life by acting on premonition, emphasizing the power of tuning into intuition. 13:25: The importance of embracing uncertainty in life decisions to avoid regrets and learn from mistakes. 17:51: Encounters with non-human entities sparked curiosity and awareness in the speaker. 21:52: Near-death experiences serve as pivotal moments for individuals to bring back enlightenment and spiritual information, leading to a paradigm shift. 25:57: The necessity of overcoming challenges and choosing the right path in life to fulfill one's purpose.
High Strangeness & Demonic Entities
The biblical narrative, particularly when viewed through the lens of apocryphal texts like the Book of Enoch, provides a profound framework for understanding the spiritual dynamics between humanity and the forces of darkness.
Pay Attention to your Intuition!
What if you could see and change the future? It happened to me.
Unleash the Potential Within and embrace your Super-Conscious awakening on a voyage of self-discovery and transformation. This book delves deep into the uncharted territories of our minds, urging us to break free from societal constructs and embrace the true essence of our being. It is a call to awaken the dormant powers within us, to transcend the limitations imposed by the world around us, and to tap into the vast reservoir of creativity, intuition, and wisdom that lies dormant in our super-consciousness. Let go of the chains that bind you and embrace a life where your true potential blossoms, guiding you towards a higher purpose and a fulfilling existence.
Learn more about the book
Cognitive Dissonance: How to Survive and Thrive Through Mental Conflict and Existential Crisis - Learn how to cope with dissonance and use it for positive and meaningful change...
Cognitive Dissonance urges you to embrace this discomfort as a wake-up call. It is through this unsettling tension that you can begin to recognize the lies that have held you captive and the chains that have kept you from the freedom and truth found in genuine relationships.
ORDER Borderlands
In Borderlands: Exploring the Outer Fringes of Consciousness, we dive into the mysteries of human experience through the lens of my profound three-day out-of-body experience. This journey took me beyond the physical world into a secret realm where chaos subtly transforms into order. In these hidden dimensions, I discovered that we are not merely passive observers, but active participants in a larger, interconnected reality. Each of us brings something back from these encounters, whether it’s a deeper understanding of ourselves or a piece of wisdom from beyond.
Free from all forms of control!
POWERFUL! Not of This World
The Coexistence of Spiritual & Physical Realms
AWAKEN! Pay Attention to your INTUITION
Discover the realm of intuition and dreams!
DANGER: Surviving the Digital Garden of Eden
Listen to the interview on LIFE AFTER DEATH
Click here: to find out about your dreams
Order more books by David Masters
- KNOW Your Journey Into Your Life After Death
- LISTEN: David with Baron Baptiste.
- Watch in-depth talks with David on YouTube
- Interview with Hannity & Wayne Allen Root!
- Work with David to create your podcast!
* David's Podcast: Spooky action at a distance
Just Published!
Superconscious Mind - The Unified Field of Consciousness: Bridging Spiritual Insight and Science - In Superconscious Mind, explore the profound connection between spirituality and science, unveiling the unified field of consciousness that underlies all of existence. For most of us, daily life feels dualistic—a separate "self" observing a world filled with objects, thoughts, and emotions. However, through meditation and heightened awareness, we can transcend this illusion, experiencing a reality where everything is interconnected: the One and the Many exist simultaneously, without contradiction.
"Unlimited: Once Liberated From Deception Your True Self Rises" delves into the depths of human potential, unraveling the enigmatic question of why not everyone reaches their ultimate zenith. Through a compelling narrative, the book meticulously dissects the invisible shackles that bind us, preventing the full realization of our innate capabilities. It offers profound insights into the underlying factors and forces at work, shedding light on the intricate web of human relationships as the linchpin to unlocking our highest selves.
Not of This World
The Coexistence of Spiritual & Physical Realms
Realms unknown, speculative physics, ancient folklore, and ufology are theories that have been swept under the carpet as wild speculation! The laws of physics differ from the realms of alternate dimensions because physics is limited to computing human input. In contrast, the concept of other dimensions, foreign to man's understanding, can be processed if one is willing. In the book "Not of this World" David Masters envisions captivating ideas of other dimensions through a VIN lens... not through the accepted laws of physics, single-tracked and closed-minded.
Order The Book!
The age-old debate surrounding the concept of identity revolves around the question of whether it is primarily shaped by nature or nurture. This dichotomy refers to the influence of inherent, genetic factors (nature) versus external, environmental factors (nurture) in the development of an individual's identity.
Eventually, there will be an apocalyptic event, but will you be ready to Surf the Apocalypse? This book aims to prepare you for what's possibly ahead both spiritually and physically. Despite the frequency of these predictions, none of them have proven to be accurate. In "Surfing the Apocalypse," author David Masters invites readers to confront the paradoxes of apocalyptic predictions, urging them to question the narratives that often scapegoat external forces for humanity's potential demise. Instead, the book encourages introspection, challenging readers to consider the intricate interplay between man's actions and spiritual integrity in shaping the fate of the planet.
New Books!
Extraordinary Journey: Journal of Original Scify Stories - Lost Books - Enochs Ancient Encounters
Legend of Aiyiana: A Golden Age of Enlightenment - The Great Spirit is Embraced by All
Hello Inside: Self-Mastery Over Negative Energy
Mars Expeditionary Diary: The True Alien History of Mars and Earth
Order The Book
Awaken to the real!
Luke 17:21 holds a profound revelation as Jesus declares, "The kingdom of God is within you" offering insights that resonate through the corridors of spirituality. First, Jesus conveys that the kingdom of God is essentially inward, residing within the heart of man. This assertion redirects the focus from external, visible manifestations to the internal, transformative realm of the human spirit.
The words of Jesus resonate as a timeless source of inspiration and contemplation.
Amidst his profound statements, one declaration stands out, challenging conventional
understanding and sparking profound discussions – "I have come to set the world on
fire." These words, found in Luke 12:49-52, encapsulate a provocative perspective that
delves into the very essence of Jesus' mission and its profound impact on human
More Than Conquerors is an exploration of the transformative nature of Jesus'
teachings, particularly those that delve into the complexities of his purpose on Earth.
FICTION: A profound awakening stirs within those who have long been ensnared by the dark allure of blood lust. As they confront the consequences of their insatiable cravings, a transformative journey unfolds, leading them toward redemption and spiritual enlightenment. The catalyst for this awakening lies within the very blood that once fueled their darkest desires. Through a mysterious connection to their victims, the Vampire Patriots gain insights into the true nature of their affliction. Memories embedded within the blood they consumed serve as harbingers of enlightenment, offering glimpses into the depths of their own souls and the consequences of their actions.
Listen to the Exercise:
The exercise in the video is provided by Patriot Outreach which has given over 850,000 free copies to Patriots and health professionals.
Al Paulson Review:
The best recommendation I can give for David Master’s book “How to Escape the Prison For Your Mind” is a personal insight which maybe relatable to you. The first time I picked up the Bible, earnestly seeking to unwind all the confusion, false beliefs and thoughts that made a home in my mind, something told me “put it down”. The thought continued “you don’t need this, it’s confusing and too long to read, you can figure this out for yourself”. Those same thoughts bombarded my head when I began to read “How to Escape the Prison For Your Mind”. I am not saying his book is the Bible. I am saying his book is packed with Truth, like the Bible and from the Bible. I am also saying there is something operating in and around all of us that doesn’t want us to seek Truth. If you sense there is a spiritual battle being fought in this world and it’s being fought for you, read this book. If you want peace of mind, read David’s book. If you are just curious about mind control and it’s history, read this book. It is packed with Truth, content and examples. If you read it with an open mind it will change how you look at thoughts you think are yours.
Frank From San Diego
David's Book: "How To Escape The Prison For Your Mind" Brings 21st Century language and examples of how not only to survive but to win every conflict in the battlefront of your mind. As a combat veteran, who questions everything it is clear that PTSD is not just a problem for soldiers... Rage and addiction began for me in early childhood, and the trauma of war added to it. Parental lies, lack of love, large and small injustices, are how the "sins of the father (and mother) are transposed onto the children". After reading the book I more deeply understand and recognize how to avoid repeating the mistake of giving my mind to the enemy because I now see how you take on the spirit behind those you resent. The "exercise" referred to in this book, helps to reverse that programming. Read, listen and Learn.
Mind Control in the Bible
Romans 7:15 For what I am doing, I do not understand; for I am not practicing what I would like to do, but I am doing the very thing I hate.
7:22-24 For in my inner being I delight in God's law; but I see another law at work in me, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within me. What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body that is subject to death?
You are at war.
The battlefield is your mind. There is one objective: Gain access to, convert, and control your thinking. It sounds like a science fiction horror film – and because what you are about to read sounds so surreal, and fantastic, your enemies have been able to literally get away with murder. How, you ask, is it possible for illusion, lies, and overt manipulation to be used to control almost everyone on earth at some level? What you are experiencing is the mental/emotional equivalent of H.G. Wells “War of The Worlds.”
David Masters was Senior Executive Producer 1999 – 2017: With twelve years Producing Marconi Award Winner “The Savage Nation” #3 Nationally Seven years “The Jerry Doyle Show” #7, Rusty Humphries #8 “The Tammy Bruce Show” Six years “The Mancow Radio Experience The Monica Crowley Show, Michio Kaku "Science Fantastic" and many more.” 2016 – 2017: "The Robert Davi Show" TRN Entertainment. Actor in 140 films, David is also a consummate musician. 2013 to 2106: Senior Executive Content/Talent Producer “The Sam Sorbo Show.” Actress, author, and wife of Actor Kevin Sorbo. 2012: Writer and content producer for TV specials at Fox News NY for Erich "Mancow" Muller, radio and television personality, actor, and former child model.
What is your true potential?
My story is featured at the very beginning and then at the end of the video. Watch these powerful and profound explanations and stories on OBEs and NDEs, death, the afterlife, and life's mystery.
The Present
Copyright 2023 By David Masters